Report Your Cleanup Efforts

Please report the total hours and/or dollars spent on wildfire risk reduction here.

*** NOTE: every box needs an entry, even if it is a zero (0) ***

Activities to report include:

  1. Removing leaves, branches and other flammable yard debris

  2. Tree trimming

  3. Grass cutting

  4. Creating a burn-free zone within 30 feet of the house

  5. Cleaning gutters and leaf or needle litter from the roof

  6. Home repairs that help keep you and your family safe from wildfire or help protect other homes

OBF uses this information on an annual report* of the total hours and dollars spent by our community as a whole.

*** REMEMBER, every box needs an entry, even if it is a zero (0) ***

*The National Fire Protection Association Community Risk Reduction Report is submitted by OBF annually: it is required to maintain our status as a Firewise USA Community. The report contains the total hours worked and the total dollars spent on risk reduction efforts in Old Bisbee. We never report individual information about any member of our community, only the totals for the community as a whole.

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